Topographic and Architectural Survey 


Architectural survey through 3D laser scanning technology allows for the digital acquisition of position and shape of objects by describing them through a point cloud, where each point is identified with spatial coordinates (x, y, z) centered on the scanner's position.

The point cloud is the result of the 3D survey performed using a laser scanner. It represents a three-dimensional model of the scanned object where the coordinates of each measured point are known. The density of the points is proportional to the acquisition time.

Here are some advantages of using laser scanning for digital building surveying over traditional surveying methods:

Final graphical representation of the point cloud in BIM and 2D Cad models.


Topographic surveying encompasses a series of operations aimed at measuring the surface of the Earth to graphically represent it to scale. These surveys are conducted using precision instruments and allow for the planning, definition, and monitoring of construction works, building registration, land subdivision, planimetric and altimetric surveys, etc.

Today, it is impossible to undertake construction work without a topographic survey. It is evident that there is a need to create a document based on precise data. This is essential both for the preliminary design of the building, necessary to identify the footprint and distances from boundaries, and for the definition of the terrain itself on which to build. Hence, the necessity of having precise and reliable surveys, which is why we employ state-of-the-art technologies.


Contact us at the address for further information 

or by calling +39 3386291450